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Weekend Warriors

“Five Couples and Derek"

(inside joke)


"Weekend Warriors" is a glimpse into the lives of five best friends and city-dwelling gladiators who spend the week overwhelmed trying to balance their “adult responsibilities” with those of their own PERSONAL LIVES WHICH INCLUDE children’s school schedules and commitments, WIFES AS WELL AS CURRENT AND EX-GIRLFRIENDS, JOBS, AND LIFE AT HOME, only to spend their weekends waging battle in whatever arena they can get butts into – escaping the shrieks of kids, gripes of husbands and wives, stresses of bosses, and woes of routine.


Mud Bowl football. Net-less playground hoops. Donut-spinning the golf cart on the fairway. Beer bong bocce. Betting the 'over' on third grade girls’ soccer. Tequila croquet. Blindfolded Wii... The stuff of modern day (sub)urban-legend. 


The 'fix' of gentlemen and ladies from the farm to the penthouse, from suburbia to the inner-city. When not on “the field”, the competition bleeds into PTA meetings, their children’s sports games, parents’ day, father-daughter camping trips, and the doctor’s office.  Planning the school auction will never be the same!


To avoid adulthood and some responsibility, these best friends do their best to relive their youth by living vicariously thru their single friends, by competing at everything under the sun, and by spending their weekends waging battle in whatever arena they can get their butts into – escaping the shrieks of kids, gripes of husbands and wives, stresses of bosses, and woes of routine. All with the goal to stay (or act) young at heart.


Tomfoolery at their children’s kindergarten, primary, middle-school, High School and Colleges is commonplace.  


Their friendship is the glue that keeps their friendships, families, and relationships and sanity intact.


At stake: pride  

At risk: ego (and their aging bodies)


*Common thread: all have "addiction" to whatever it takes to distract them from their daily lives. 









In what seems to have taken place overnight, a group of once young and fiercely autonomous and successful individuals find themselves married with children. Suddenly, their independence is lost, their identity has been redefined, and the trajectory of their lives priorities finds new meaning.


Filmed in a cinéma vérité-like style, Weekend Warriors follows the lives of  FIVE BEST FRIENDS (“Five Couples”)and their families as they navigate their lives as parents with children of all ages. Aside from trying to keep their marriages, jobs, and personal lives afloat, they are overwhelmed trying to balance their “adult responsibilities” with those of their own children’s schedules and commitments.


Although best of friends, each family is very competitive and their only method of coping with such stress is to try and “one-up” or “outduel” each other, or everyone for that matter, at everything, especially when it comes to SPORTS, HOMELIFE, AND parenting. 


From personal life to school life, we follow THESE MEN AND THEIR FAMILIES into the world of the (private and public) schools of their children, as well as onto the competitive arena of weekend warrior competitions.  


Tension builds daily as these parents MEN are constantly up against unsurmountable odds and face impossible situations to overcome, which include NOT UNLOADING THE DISHWASHER, DEALING WITH INLAWS, EX-GIRLFRIENDS, finding the “right” apron for a daughters uniform, to accidentally packing nuts in a lunch, trying to fight and plead for their kids to be admitted into the best schools, constantly bribing teachers for their child to have the lead in the school play, “rigging” the track in order to win the pinewood derby, begging the coach for their child to be the starter on the team – or to just make the team, and are ejected for arguing the ref’s call their kid’s kindergarten basketball championship. 


Whenever new families are introduced into the mix, there is a brief reprieve amongst the five couples as they join forces and “compete” against the newbies both on the field, in their children’s private and public-school classrooms, and at the birthday parties. 


Participation trophies are not allowed as pride and bragging rights are on the line – at all costs. It is ego that fills the cup of victory.


And one more thing, a parent must always be in full denial there their children may have a learning disability, or God forbid, lice.












Most of these characters are based on real people and friends.  The age range of the children in the show will vary, from birth to college, in order to showcase and experience all of the emotions and struggles that parents have raising their children in public and private 



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